curiosityit is a gift, a fitrah to all
we are full of it
when we were so young
pondering how
wondering why
about every anything
yet as the time goes by
it disappear...
the same trend goes to me
i've lost this gift slowly
i must say in my study life
i'm so dependent on the notes
the book, the already there
just memorize, just understand a little
yet no curiosity being put
it made me felt blank about the facts
made me felt blank on what i've had learn
during classes
oh, i attend so many useful classes in my life
delivered by great lecturers
i rare to ask, rare to raise any hand
in those so many useful classes
that left me in blank, almost empty
as the new semester began
during lab,
i didn't give my full commitment
i became a watcher
coz there were so many hands available
i believe it is a lame excuse indeed
it was me who don't want to
it was me who hid my curiosity foolishly
i believe
in order for me to become
man in this field
i've gotta change
gotta build and regain this gift again
because being the man in this field
we don't just rely on what we already had
we keep pondering
keep improving
keep moving forward
to bring something great
to us..